My Story

Hi, I'm Ann-Marie

I am a multi-passionate soul who loves travelling and discovering all the beauties of nature that Mother Earth has to offer. I love questioning the status quo and deep conversations.

I believe our education system has let us down, leading to a world that often lacks love and compassion. Our society has never been so disconnected from its pure essence which is why it's so hard to make genuine connections that last forever.

It's not our fault that we were taught wrong, but as we mature, we have the power to learn and do better. This is where the magic of Love with Ann-Marie comes in, an educative platform to teach the world about self-love, conscious dating and intentional behaviors.

It's time for you to manifest TRUE LOVE, your best friend and forever partner.

Where it all Started

The very first entrepreneurial project I worked on at university was a matchmaking agency. Deep down, I knew I had something special in me to help people find love. As many young girl does, I was afraid, I doubted myself, and I let go of this project.

It took me 10 years to reconnect with this passion and write my first book True Love Roadmap. Everything happen for a reason in life, I truly believe that. During these 10 years, I have experienced different relationships, the dating world, got to know myself better and discovered spirituality which gave me all the knowledge to write this amazing blueprint to manifest your ideal partner.

Where we are going

In the old time, even if people were not happy anymore in their marriage they were staying married and miserable because that is what was asked of them. Now, it is more socially accepted to get divorced, so divorce rate has skyrocketed over the years.

However, when you compare then and now, there is one thing that these people have in common, they all don't get their happy ever after. This makes people wonder if the happy ever after is a myth… But it’s not. Happily ever after do exist, but it requires self-growth and a special connection with your true self to develop more genuine and lasting relationship.

Self-Love & Conscious Dating Coach

Find below my offering to help you lean how you can build better connection and lasting relations. Note that I have more to come as I am very eager to make this world a better place and a better environment for our children to grow up in.

Digital Book

You can now get the Manifestation Kit with the True Love Roadmap get the guidance you need to manifest your true love. On this journey you will learn to love yourself, heal from your past and attract your ideal partner.

This blueprint is a step-by step course with over 30 exercises to help you manifest love easily.

1:1 Coaching

If you want a more custom approach to learn about loving yourself and conscious dating to manifest your true love, you can get 1:1 coaching with me.

Click here to email me and explain the following: what your dating situation is, what you are looking for and your motivations to find love.

I will be in touch with you shortly.

Online Course

(Coming up December 2024)

The True Love Roadmap will soon be available as a online course with audio files.

More courses to come in 2025 about becoming a great partner and make your relationship last forever.

Digital Book

You can now get the Manifestation Kit with the True Love Roadmap get the guidance you need to manifest your true love. On this journey you will learn to love yourself, heal from your past and attract your ideal partner.

This blueprint is a step-by step course with over 30 exercises.

1:1 Coaching

If you want a more custom approach to learn about loving yourself and conscious dating to manifest your true love, you can get 1:1 coaching with me.

Click here to email me and explain the following: what your dating situation is, what you are looking for and your motivations to find love.

I will be in touch with you shortly.

Online Course

(Coming up December 2024)

The True Love Roadmap will soon be available as a online course with audio files.

More courses to come in 2025 about becoming a great partner and make your relationship last forever.

Let's Radiate Love

Love With Ann-Marie can be your love sanctuary where you learn to:

  • Love your amazing self

  • Reconnect with your heart

  • Learn to manage your emotions

  • Make deeper connections

  • Find your perfect match

  • Become a great partner

  • Grow with your Partner

I’m here to help Love flourish on Earth whether it’s to help people find their forever partner or for people already in a relationship to grow with their partner and build a lasting relationship.

Follow me on social media to grow love in your world

From Love to Wellness

My passion for love came with a passion for wellness. The human body is fascinating to me and I believe it requires good care. This is why I have always placed a great importance on being active and eating well, and I do my best to live in a toxin-free environment.

In 2021, my passion for wellness turned into a company called Nüsoak ("new soak") and its mission is to help people easily transition to a toxin-free lifestyle. I realized that most personal care products out there are made of chemicals which are really bad for us. We use these products internally or externally and our body absorbs these chemicals.

When we add that to the fast-paced environment we live in, stress, and processed food in groceries and restaurants, this creates the perfect combination for all sort of illnesses. Nüsoak was created to help people be healthier in simplicity.

Contact Us

Love with Ann-Marie

845 Rue des Saules Est, Quebec Quebec G1J1G2

©Love with Ann-Marie 2024

All Rights Reserved