My Story

Hi, I'm Ann-Marie

I am a multi-passionate soul from Canada who loves travelling and discovering all the beauties of nature that Mother Earth has to offer. I love questioning the status quo and deep conversations. I believe that most of what we learn growing up is limiting and wrong which is why I want to help people reconnect with their inner power as we are truly unlimited and divine beings.

I am passionate about love, matchmaking, spirituality, personal development, and everything related to well-being. I play beach volleyball, but you might also see me on my paddleboard, on a hike, climbing, playing spike ball or doing handstands. I have always placed great importance on being active and nutrition, and I do my best to live in a toxin-free environment.

Living with Passions

In 2021, my passion for well-being turned into a company called Nüsoak and its mission is to help people easily transition to a toxin-free lifestyle. I realized that most personal care products out there are made of chemicals which are really bad for us. We use these products internally or externally and our body absorbs these chemicals.

When we add that to the fast-paced environment we live in, stress, and processed food in groceries and restaurants, this creates the perfect combination for all sort of illnesses. Nüsoak was created to help people be healthier in simplicity.

As for my passion for Love, the very first entrepreneurial project I worked on at university was a matchmaking agency. Deep down, I knew I had something special in me to help people find love, but I was afraid, I doubted myself, and I let go of this project. It took me 10 years to reconnect with this passion and to write the book True Love Roadmap. That's how I started my 2nd company called Love With Ann-Marie.

Ann-Marie's Unlimited Beliefs

The Heart Knows What is Best

In the last few years, I reconnected with my heart and my life completely changed. I moved to a new country, I found the man I've always dreamed of, and I discovered my purpose which is to make this world a better place by elevating consciousness with the power of love.

Growing up we learned to make rational decisions with our head, leading by our fears, and to keep all of our frustrations inside making us so disconnected from our heart that we cannot make the right decision for ourselves. This is why our society is so sick mentally, physically and spiritually.

The rate of divorce has never been so high and people being on anti-depressant has become a new norm. We lost track of who we are and what is good for us. Love can change all of that and reverse it back to what we should be: happy, fulfilled and healthy beings who shares love with the people around us.

I want to help you reconnect with your heart because it really is the rational way to make decisions. It's also the best way to find love and develop genuine connections that will last. YES! I'm talking about a long-lasting relationship which is simple, easy, fun, and everything positive it should be.

Love is the Most Powerful Energy

Love means seeing with the heart and pass through religion, culture, origin. It means sharing experiences and growing. It means having good intentions and peace of mind. It means beauty, health and joy.

Love transforms:

  • Division into Unity

  • Judgment into Understanding

  • Self-Centeredness into Consideration

  • Selfishness into Gratefulness

  • Fear into Opportunity

  • Hate into Love

With love we can elevate the vibration on Earth and this is how we can create a new and better world: healthier, more conscious and happier.

Finding love is simple

Even though we now have more means to meet new people with all the dating apps and matchmaking agencies, it got harder to find the right person. How is this possible? Our society has become more superficial, and sex is now at the center of our world making it so hard to find genuine connections.

Nowadays, most people believe that finding love can only happen through an app and it's hard. It feels like LOVE is now a myth... BUT IT'S NOT!! I truly believe that love is simple, dating is simple and finding the right person for you is simple.

When finding the right person, it can take time, but it doesn’t mean it’s difficult. These are two different words with different meanings. It might be taking some time because you are not ready yet, you don’t love yourself within or maybe you are not in alignment with your goal of finding love. There are different reasons why it can take time, but love will come to you at the perfect time if you manifest it correctly.

I met my forever man in Miami, a city that has nothing in common with me. If you go to Miami and start talking with single people, 99% of them will tell you that it's impossible to find love in Miami. When I hear this, I always think to myself: "how was it possible for me then to meet my ideal partner in this city AND in person?" The answer: It was not luck. I was ready for love and I manifested him. Trust me on this, if you are not meeting the one for you right now, it's not about the place or the timing, it's about your inner self: your self-love, your beliefs and your spiritual alignment.

Marriage is NOT hard.

One of the biggest limiting beliefs that we were taught growing up about relationship is that: “Marriage is hard”. We hear it everywhere whether it's from family members, in a movie, in a tv show or on radio. It's like society want us to believe that it cannot be easy.

Thinking that marriage is hard is a matter of perception. You may think that arguing once in a while is hard as opposed to seeing this as a learning opportunity. You may also think that compromising is hard as opposed to seeing this as an opportunity to please your partner when it is not something that effects your values. It is a choice to perceive a situation as an opportunity.

Marriage is not hard. What is hard is:

  • Sharing your life and vital energy with someone that is not meant for you.

  • Sharing your life with someone who doesn’t communicate in a healthy way, but rather yell and argues all the time.

  • Being in a relationship where there is no magic, no effort anymore, because you both let things become too familiar

  • Living with someone who does not try to be a better person every day.

  • Being with someone who does not create a safe space for you to be YOU.

WE, as humans, make a lot of things more complicated than it should be. Marriage is hard in most people reality because we were not educated to make rational decision with our heart and most people end up being with the wrong person for them. On top of that, we don’t use love as our main language meaning relationships lack of compassion, effort, consideration, communication, gratefulness, compromises and active listening.

This way of living comes from a long generational lineage. Our grand-grand-parents didn’t value emotions and communication much. The husband had to be strong and not share how he feels with the family, and the wife had to support the husband by not adding any stress on him, so she was not sharing her feelings. They didn't learn how to communicate together and truly be there for one another because it was not encouraged back in the days.

Generations after generations this cycle was repeated because what monkey sees is what monkey do. Our parents have learned from their parents and repeated this cycle. The solution is to break out of this cycle, so we can discover was a great and fulfilling marriage is all about. Marriage should be easy when we reconnect with our heart and build awareness.  

Let's Radiate Love

In the old time, people were staying married and miserable because that is what was asked of them. Now, people get divorced, but either way, people don't get their happy ever after by growing old with their best friend. I am here to tell you that you can have your happy ever after. I believe that everyone can be married and happy. In order for this to happen it requires a few thing that self-development and spirituality can help with. Love With Ann-Marie can be your love sanctuary where you learn to:

  • Love your amazing self

  • Reconnect with your heart

  • Learn to manage your emotions

  • Make deeper connections

  • Find your perfect match

  • Become Wifey/Husband Material (My Next Book about becoming a great partner)

  • Grow with your Partner

I’m here to help Love flourish on Earth whether it’s to help people find their forever partner or for people already in a relationship to grow with their partner and build a long-lasting relationship.

Contact Us

Love with Ann-Marie

845 Rue des Saules Est, Quebec Quebec G1J1G2

©Love with Ann-Marie 2024

All Rights Reserved