Refund Policy

At Love with Ann-Marie, we strive to ensure that our products and services meet the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction. Below is an in-depth explanation of our refund policy across the various offerings we provide.

We value your opinion, so if you are frustrated and unsatisfied about something, please contact us at [email protected].


Our digital products, including but not limited to the True Love Roadmap eBook, audio files, and future online courses, are non-refundable. Once purchased, digital content is considered to be consumed or accessed immediately. As such, we cannot offer refunds for the following reasons:

  • Instant Access: Upon completing your purchase, you gain instant access to the eBook or digital files. Due to the nature of digital products, once these items are downloaded, they cannot be returned in the same way physical products can.

  • Non-recoverable Content: Unlike physical items that can be returned or exchanged, digital products do not possess a way to be "returned." This makes it impossible for us to retrieve them, ensuring the protection of our intellectual property and digital assets.

Once a purchase is completed, the sale is final. This policy ensures that all customers are treated fairly and that our intellectual property is protected.


The Manifestation kit includes physical products and a digital product (reffering to True Love Roadmap Ebook). Due to the nature of the products which includes a digital product that we cannot reclaim after purchase, we do not offer refund for the Manifestation Kit.

As for the physical products in the True Love Manifestation Kit — such as the handmade candle, rose quartz, sage, bath products, and notebook— they are crafted with care and inspected for quality before shipping. However, we understand that issues may arise during shipment, and we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction.

Damaged or Defective Products: In the event that one or more of the items in your kit arrives damaged or defective, you are eligible for a product exchange. Please contact us at [email protected] within 14 days of receiving your order.

To expedite the process, please include the following in your email:

  • A detailed description of the damage or defect

  • Photographic evidence of the damaged or defective item(s)

  • Your order number and contact information

Upon verification, we will send a replacement item. In some cases, we may request that the damaged product be returned before a replacement is issued, but we will cover any return shipping costs if necessary.


Love with Ann-Marie offers 1:1 coaching services for those looking for personalized guidance on self-love, conscious dating, and manifesting true love. By booking coaching services, you agree to the following terms:

  • All coaching sessions must be prepaid.

  • Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance for a refund or reschedule.

  • No-shows or cancellations within 48 hours of the session will forfeit the payment, but rescheduling may be available at our discretion.

Contact Us

Love with Ann-Marie

845 Rue des Saules Est, Quebec Quebec G1J1G2

©Love with Ann-Marie 2024

All Rights Reserved